Accounting informations systems/
by Marshall B. Romney
- Singapore: Pearson c2009.
- 831p.: 27cm.
Includes glossary and index
chapter 1. accounting information systems: overview --2. overview of business processes --3. systems development and documentation techniques --4. relational databases --5. computer fraud and abuse --6. control and accounting information system --7. information system controls for system reliability --8.information system controls for system reliability confidentiality, privacy, processing integrity, and availability -9. auditing computer-based information systems --10. the revenue cycle : sales to cash collections --1. the expenditure cycle: purchasing to cash disbursement --12. the production cycle --13. the human resources management and payroll cycle --14. general ledger and reporting system --15. database design using the REA data model --16. implementing an REA model in relational database --17. special topics in REA modeling --18. introduction to systems development and system analysis --19. AIS development strategies --20. system design, implementation, and operation.