Frickson, Elizabeth

Criminalistics laboratory manual: The basics of forensic investigation/ by Elizabeth Frickson - Tokyo: Elsevier Inc., c2014 - xiii, 223p.: 24 cm.

Includes references and appendix

Introduction: the crime --Chapter 1. Laboratory #1. the crime scene sketch --2. Laboratory #2. photography --3. Laboratory #3. evidence collection --4. Laboratory #4. autopsy/wound documentation --5. Laboratory #5. fingerprint processing --6. Laboratory #6 fingerprint 10-print card --7. Laboratory #7 questioned document examination --8. Laboratory #8 footwear and tire impressions --9. Laboratory #9 tool marks --10. Laboratory #10 odontology --11. Laboratory #blood typing and biological fluids --12. Laboratory #12 blood spatter analysis --13. Laboratory #13 glass --14. Laboratory #14 Hair and fiber --15. Laboratory #15 Drugs and toxicology --16. Laboratory #16 digital forensics --17. Laboratory #17 the trial.

BRef. 363.25 / Er441c 2014