Walsh, James

Garce under pressure: What gives life to american priests ( A study of effective priests ordained ten to thirty years) by James Walsh, John Mayer, James Castelli, Eugene Hemrick, Melvin Blanchette and Paul Theroux. - Washington: National Catolic Eduactional Association, c1995. - 118p: 20.8cm

Contents. PART ONE. What Gives to your Priesthood? --Risk-Taking ang Change. --Balance, Perspective and time. --Authenticity. --A Life of Multiple Intimacies. --Significance of Priesthood and the Mystery of the Call. --God's Love. --Relationship with Jesus and the Paschal Mystery. --The Spiritual Life. --Mystery of God's Activity in Life and Ministry. --Drawing Life From The People. --Listening. --Service, Compassion and Empowerment. --PART TWO. Related Question. --How Do you Deal with Controversies facing the Church today. --How Do you see your role as a man in American Society. --What advice would you give to seminary personnel today?


Bcir. 200.92 / G753