Lovers of wisdom: A historical introduction to philosophy with integrated readings/
by Daniel Kolak
- U.S.A: Wadswoth Publishing Company, c1997.
- xviii, 670p.: ill.; 23.1cm.
Includes index.
Contents. --Chapter 0. The Dawn of Philosophy. --Chapter 1. The First Philosopher. --Chapter 2. Plato. --Chapter 3. Aristotle. --Chapter 4. The Epicureans and stoics. --Chapter 5. Catholic Philosophy. --Chapter 6. The Spanish-Islamic Influence. --Chapter 7. The Medievals. --Chapter 8. The Renaissance. --Chapter 9. Prelude to Modern Philosophy: The Copernican Revolution. --Chapter 10. Descartes. --Chapter 11. Spinoza. --Chapter 12. Leibniz. --Chapter 13. Locke. --Chapter 14. Berkeley. --Chapter 15. Hume. --Chapter 16. Kant. -- Chapter 17. Hegel and the German Idealist. --Chapter 18. Kierkegaard and Nietzsche. --Chapter 19. The Social Philosopher: Comte, Mill and Marx. --Chapter 20. The American Experience: Peirce, James, Dewey, and Royce. --Chapter 21. The European Experience: Husserl, Heidegger and Sartre. --Chapter 22. Russell, Wittgenstein and Quine: What Does It all Mean?.