Writing and grammar: Communication in action (Platinum level) - Annotated Teacher's Edition - Boston: Pearson Prentice Hall, c2004 - xxvii, 903p.: ill.; 28.3 cm.

includes reference, glossary and index.

Chapter1: The Writer in You.-- Chapter 2: A Walk Through the Writing Process.-- Chapter 3: Sentences, Paragraphs, and Compositions.-- Chapter 4: Narration: Autobiography.-- Chapter 5: Narration: Short Story.-- Chapter 6 : Description.-- Chapter 7: Persuasion: Persuasive Essay.-- Chapter 8: Persuasion: Advertisement.-- Chapter 9: Exposition: Comparison and Contrast.-- Chapter 10: Exposition: Cause and Effect.-- Chapter 11: Exposition: Problem and Solution.-- Chapter 12: Research Writing.-- Chapter 13: Response to Literature.-- Chapter 14: Writing for Assessment.-- Chapter 15: Workplace Writing,.-- Chapter 16: Nouns and Pronouns.-- Chapter 17: Adjectives and Adverbs.--Chapter 18. Preposition, Conjunction, and Interjection.-- Chapter 19: Basic Sentence Parts.-- Chapter 20: Phrases and Clauses.-- Chapter 21: Effective Sentences.-- Chapter 22: Verb Usage.-- Chapter 23: Pronoun Usage.-- Chapter 24: Agreement.-- Chapter 25: Using Modifiers.-- Chapter 26: Miscellaneous Problems in Usage.-- Chapter 27: Capitalization.-- Chapter 28: Punctuation.-- Chapter 29: Speaking, Listening, Viewing, and Representing.-- Chapter 30: Vocabulary and Spelling.-- Chapter 31: Reading Skills.-- Chapter 32: Study, Reference, and Test-Taking Skills.-- Chapter 33: Workplace Skills and Competencies.


Language arts
English language--Grammar

BTSH 428.2 / P21