Contemporary business report writing/
by Shirley Kuiper
- Fourth edition
- Australia South-Western Cengage Learning c2009
- xx, 532 p. ill. 25.5 cm.
Includes references and index
Chapter 1. --Report characteristics -- 2. Planning the Report -- 3. Producing the report -- 4. Writing style and lapses -- 5. Illustrating the report -- 6. Formatting the report -- 7. Writing Routine reports -- 8. Writing nonroutine reports -- 9. Planning and delivering an oral report -- 10. Planning the research -- 11. Selecting data sources -- 12. Using secondary data sources -- 13. Using primary data sources -- 14. Documenting data sources -- 15. Analyzing data for complex reports -- 16. Writing business research report -- 17. Writing policies, procedures, and instructions -- 18, Writing the business plan.