The urinary incontinence sourcebook /
by Diane K. Newman and Mary K. Dzurinko
- Chicago : Contempory Books, c1997
- xxi, 361p.: 23. 5 cm
Includes appendices, glossary and index
Chapter 1. Incontinence: serious and costly --2. How does your bladder work? --3. The best unkept hidden secret --4. The burden of incontinence --5. Myths --6. Causes and types of incontinence --7. Chronic urinary incontinence --8. Related causes and diseases --9. Bowel irregularity --10. Finding help for your incontinence --11. You can run, but you can't hide --12. The bladder diary --13. Investigating your bladder --14. Nonsurgical techniques: behavior modification --15. Medical management --16. Managing your urinary incontinence problem with catheters --17. Incontinence products: pants and pads --18. Pelvic prolapse and support devices --19. Toilets, commodes, and collection devices --20. The caregiving dilemma: growing old with incontinence --21. Maintaining continence and preventing incontinence --22. Bed-wetting and children.