Lorig, Kate

Patient education: A practical approach/ by Kate Lorig - Second edition: - New Delhi: Sage Publications, c1996. - xvi, 248p.: 23cm.

Includes glossary and index

Introduction --1. How do I know what patients want and need? needs assessment --2. Do I know to go, and will I know when I get there? evaluation --3. How do I get from a needs assessment to a program? program planning and implementation --4. Selecting, preparing, and using materials --5. How do I get people to come? --6. Working cross-culturally --7. Helping people who are hard to help --8. The special problem of compliance: how do I get people to do what is good for them? --9. What we know about what works: one rationale, two models, three theories --10. Joint commission on accreditation of healthcare organizations (JCAHO): patient and family education regulations.


BCir. 615.507 / L891p 1996