Dynneson, Thomas L.

Designing effective instruction for secondary social studies/ by Thomas L. Dynneson and Richard E. Gross - Ohio: Prentice Hall, c1995. - xiv, 466p.: 28.5cm.

Includes appendix and index.

Contents. --PART ONE: Ideological and Historical Concerns. --1. Perceptions, Ideologies, and Approaches within the Social Studies. --2. Origin of the Social studies. --PART TWO: The Selection and Organization of Subject Matter. --3. History and Geography: The Story of People, Places, and the Past. --4. Political Science and Economics: The Systems and Processes of Society. --5. The Behavioral Sciences: Sociology, Psychology and Anthropology. --PART THREE: The Selection and Organization of Subject-Matter Elements. --6. The Elements of Knowledge. --7. Psychomotor, Basic and Complex Skill. --8. Education for Values. --PART FOUR: The Selection and Organization of Instructional Components. --9. The Identification and Formulation of Instructional Objectives. --10. Motivating Students Learning. --11. Instructional Strategies and Activities. --12. The Evaluation, Selection, and Development of Instructional Materials. --13. Assessing Instructional Effectiveness and Learning Outcomes. --PART FIVE: Design-Based Instruction. --14. Meeting Needs and Providing Effective Instruction. --15. Designing Courses, Unit and Lessons.


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