De Guzman-Ladion, Herminia

Healing wonders of water/ by Herminia De Guzman-Ladion - Manila: Philippine Publishing house, c1974 - 127p.: ill.; 20.5 cm.

include references

Contents 1. Alcohol Rub --2. Baby's Sponge Bath --3. Baby's Tub Bath --4. Care of the Mouth --5.Care of plates and spoons --6.Cold compress --7.Hot compress --8.Heating compress --9.Hot and cold bath for arm or leg --10.Contrast local applications --11.Disposal of secretions --12.Enema --13.Fever sponge bath --14.Fomentation --15.Hair shampoo in bed --16.Handwashing --17. Hot foot bath --18. Hot sitz bath --19. Hot water bag --20. Ice bag --21. Ice pack --22. Salt gargle --23. Sponge bath --24. starch bath --25. Steam Inhalation --26. Turpentine Stupes --27. Vaginal irrigation or vaginal douche.

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