Principles of economics/
by Karl E. Case and Ray C. Fair
- Fourth edition.
- New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc. c1995.
- xxix, 1014p.: ill. 27.5cm.
Includes index
Part 1: Introduction tob Economics 1.-- Part 2 : Foundations of Microeconomics Consumers and Firms 134.-- Part 3: Market Imperfections and the Role of Government 322.-- Part 4: Current Microenomic Issue 463. Part 5: Concepts and Problems in Macreconomics 545.-- Part 6: Macroeconomic princeples and policy.-- Part 7: Macreconomic Analysis and issue.-- Part 8: Household and Firm Behavior in the Macroeconomy: A closer look 816.-- Part 9 : Debates in Macroeconomic and economic Gworth.-- Part 10 The Global Economy 906