Gardner, Howard

Eight ways of knowing: Teaching for multiple intelligence/ by Howard Gardner and David Lazear - United States of America; Skylight Training and Publishing Inc. c1999 - x, 257p. ill.; 24cm.

includes appendix, bibliography and index

Chapter I. In the beginning was the word. Explorations of verbal/ linguistic intelligence --Chapter II. As easy 1,2,3:exploration of logical/mathematical intelligence --Chapter III. Seeing is believing and knowing: explorations of visual/spatial intelligence --Chapter IV. Actions speak louder than words:explorations of bodily/kinesthetic intelligence --Chapter V. I've got rhythm, you've got rhythm. Who could ask for anything more? Explorations of musical/rhythmic intelligence --Chapter VI. Getting to know you and learning together:explorations of interpersonal intelligence --Chapter VII. Know yourself.Thy cognition and thy consciousness: explorations of intrapersonal intelligence --Chapter VIII. It's 100% natural (with no additives):explorations of naturalist intelligence --Chapter IX. Creating multi-modal eventfulness in the classroom and school:teaching for multiple intelligence.


BCir. 371.3 / L45e 1999