Riordan, Tim

Politics of climate change: A European perspective/ by Tim O' Riordan and Jill Jager - London: Routledge; c1996. - xiv, 396p.: 25cm.

includes appendix and index

Contents 1.--The history of climate change and politics 2.--Legal obligations and uncertainties in the climate change convention 3.--The science and politics in the greenhouse gas inventories 4.--Social institutions and climate change 5.--The EUROPEAN community and climate change: the role of law and legal competence 6.--Climate change policies and politics in the EUROPEAN community 7.--Climate change politics in Germany: How long will any double dividend last 8.--Struggling for credibility: the United Kingdom response 9.--Norwegian climate policy: environmental idealism and economic realism 10.--Climate change politics in Italy --11.External perspectives on climate change: A view from the united states and the third world 12.--Beyond climate change science politics.


BCir. 363.7387 / P759