Enemies of God: Heretical writings in the philosophy of religion/
by Ambong Fernandez (editor)
- Davao City: Ms. Lopez Printing & Publishing, c2007.
- vi, 178p.: 22.5cm.
Includes appendices, glossary and bibliography
1. Religion is the opium of the people --2. God is a projection of the human mind --3. God is dead --4. If god exists, why there is evil? --5. Religious ideas are illusions --6. Why I am not a Christian --7. Why I am a pagan --8. God-talk is meaningless --9. Why I am an unbeliever --10. Why atheists don't believe in gods --11. Can a truly contemporary person not be an atheist --12. Big bang cosmology and atheism: why the big bang is no help to theists --13. Why I am an infidel --14. In defense of agnosticism --15. Why I am an atheist --16. Why the Christian god is impossible --17. In defense of atheism --18. An atheist manifesto.