Effectiveness of police community relations in reducing criminalities as perceived by the elected barangay officials in the Municipality of Magsaysay, Davao del Sur /
by Mark Michae Depio, Greg Gecale, Ranel Pantojan.
- Davao del Sur: UM Bansalan College, 2011.
- i, 60p.: 29cm.
Age Group (AG) 46-55 and 56 and above topped with same frequency of 33 and percentage of 33.08%. AG 36-45 has f+14 and 15.7%, AG 26-35 has f=6 and 6.7% and the AG 15 f=3 and with percentages of 3.4%. The table indicates that the age qualification is high to quality as valid respondents in the sense that they all belong to the adult group.