Delfin, Lelibeth B.

Level of consumption-related fulfillment responce among students in fast food chain restaurant in Tagum City / by Lelibeth B. Delfin, Jennifer L. Lagos, Mary Liezl G. Marabulas. - Tagum City: UM Tagum College; c2013. - i, 28p. : ill, ; 28cm.

The main concern of this study is to find out the level of consumption related fulfillment responses among financial management students of UM Tagum Campus in fast food chain restaurant in Tagum City.
1. What is the level of consumption-related fulfillment responses on the service offered by fast food chain restaurant in Tagum City, in term of: Product, service, and location?
2. Is there a significant difference on the level of consumption-related fulfillment responses among student in fast food chain restaurant when analyzed according to: Gender, and year level?
