Florendo, Adelene Maghinay, author

Reviewer for police examination/ by Adelene Mahinay Florendo - Quezon City: Wiseman's Book Trading Inc., c2014 - v, 349p.: ill.; 22.5cm. - c2014

Includes references.

Tips in Passing the Examinations. --Requirements - Police Entrance Examination. --Scope of Examination. --General Information -1987 Philippine Constitution. --Philippine Government. -- Republic act 9708. --Five (5) Pillars of the Criminal Justice System. --Definition of Arrest. --General Information/Current Events Exercises-1. --Review on Basic English Grammar. --Verbal Analogy- Exercise - 2. --Vocabulary (synonyms and Antonyms). --Analytical Ability Exercise - 3. --Verbal Reasoning TEST. --Principles in Taking Verbal Analogy Tests. --Tips for Doing Analogies. --Cognitive Reasoning and Problem Solving. --Common Verbal Deadwood. --Answers (1,2, and 3). --PNP Promotional Examinations. --Set- A - Exercise. --Set - B - Exercise. --Set - C (Samples Questions) - Exercise. --Sample of Essay Examination. --Answers (Set A, Set B and Set C). --Annexes. --References. --About the Author


Crime -- Examinations
Law enforcement -- Examinations

BFil. 364.076 / F66r 2014