Chapter 1. An overview of community corrections: goals and evidence-based practices. --Chapter 2. How probation developed: chronicling its past and present. --Chapter 3. History of parole and mandatory release. --Chapter 4. Pretrial supervision, sentencing, and the presentence investigation report. --Chapter 5. Case management using risk/need/responsivity. --Chapter 6. Supervision and treatment for offenders with special needs. --Chapter 7. Community supervision modification and revocation. --Chapter 8. Residential community supervision programs. --Chapter 9. Nonresidentials graduated sanctions. --Chapter 10. Economic and restorative justice reparations. --Chapter 11. Prisoner reentry. collateral consequences, parole, and mandatory release. --Chapter 12. Career pathways in community corrections. --Chapter 13. Juvenile justice, probation and parole. --Chapter 14. Bringing it all together: practical solutions for community based corrections.