The revised penal code criminal law : (Book Two Articles 114-367) /
by Luis B. Reyes
- Quezon City: Rex Book Store, c2017
- xlii, 1133p.: 22.5cm.
- c2017
Includes, appendix.
Title One . Crimes against national security and the law of nations. --Title Two . --Crimes against the fundamental laws of the state. --Title Three . Crimes against public order. --Title Four. Crimes against public interest. --Title Five. Crimes relative to opium and other prohibited drugs. --Title Six. Crimes against public morals. --Title Seven. Crimes committed by public orders. --Tittle Eight. Crimes against person. --Title Nine. Crimes against personal liberty and security. --Title Ten. Crimes against property. --Title Eleven. Crimes against chastity. --Title Twelve. Crimes against the civil status of persons. --Title Thirteen. Crimes against honor. --Title Fourteen. Quasi-offenses. --Final provisios