Forged or genuine? : A questioned document handbook /
by Mely E. Sorra
- Quezon City : Wiseman's Books Trading, Inc., c2011
- 79 pages:
- c2011
Includes. Bibliography and glossary
Chapter 1. Introduction --Chapter 2. The Word of a Forensic Science Man --Chapter 3. Document and Questioned Document --Chapter 4. Standard of comparison --Chapter 5. Basis of Handwriting Identification --Chapter 6. Elements of Handwriting and Process of Handwriting comparison --Chapter 7.Forgery --Chapter 8. Typewriting Identification --Chapter 9.Alteration --Chapter 10.Counterfeiting --Chapter 11.Techniques,Equipements and Apparatus in Questioned Document --Chapter 12. Other Areas of Questioned Document Examination --Chapter 13Forensic Document Examiner in Court
Writing -- Identification -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.