Bautista, Andres D.

Bar review companion: Civil Law / by Andres D. Bautista and Marie Antonette Quiogue - Mandaluyong City: Anvil Publishing, Inc., c2011 - 635p. 25.3cm. - c2011

Content I. The family code of the Philippines --II. Rule on declaration of absolute nullity of void marriages and annulment of voidable marriages --III. Guidelines on the solemnization of marriage by the members of the judiciary --IV. Family courts act of 1997 --V. The child and youth welfare code --VI. The civil code of the Philippines --VIII. Inter- country adoption law --IX. Republic act no. 9255 --X. Republic act no. 9523 --XI. IRR of republic act no. 9523 --XII. Property registration decree --XIII. The public land act --XIV. The condominium act --XV. An act amending the rent control law --XVI. The subdivision and condominium buyers' protective decree --XVII. Clerical error law.


Law and legislation -- Philippines

BFil. 346.599 / B32b