Chang, Raymond

Student solution manual for use with: Chemistry/ by Raymond Chang and Brandon Cruickshank - 8th ed. - New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, c2005 - vi, 590. : 28cm.

Chapter 1. Chemistry: the study of change --2. Atoms, molecules, and ions --3. Mass relationships in chemical reactions --4. Reactions in aqueous solutions --5. Gases --6. Thermochemistry --7. Quantum theory and the electronic structure of atoms --8. Periodic relationships among the elements --9. Chemical bonding I: basic concepts --10. Chemical bonding II: molecular geometry and hybridization of atomic orbitals --11. Intermolecular forces and liquids and solids --12. Physics properties of solutions --13. Chemical kinetics --14. Chemical equilibrium --15. Acids and bases --16. Acid-base equilibria and solubility equilibria --17. Chemistry in the atmosphere --18. Entropy, free energy, and equilibrium --19. Electrochemistry --20. Metallurgy and the chemistry of metals --21. Nonmetallic elements and their compounds --22. Transition metal chemistry and coordination compounds --23. Nuclear chemistry --24. Organic chemistry --25. Synthetic and natural organic polymers.


BCir. 540 / C362c 2005