The changing earth : Exploring geology and evolution /
by James S. Monroe and Reed Wicander
- Second edition
- USA: West Wadsworth, c1997
- xxvii, 721p. : ill.; 28cm.
Includes appendices, glossary and index.
Chapter 1. Understanding earth: an introduction --2. Minerals --3. Igneous rocks and intrusive igneous activity --4. Volcanism --5. Weathering, soil, sediment, and sedimentary rocks --6. Metamorphism and earth's interior --8. The sea floor --9. Plate tectonics: a unifying theory --10. Deformation, mountain building, and the continents --11. Mass wasting --12. Running water --13. Groundwater --14. Glaciers and glaciation --15. The work of wind and deserts --16. Shorelines and shoreline processes --17. Geologic time: concepts and principles --18. Fossils and evolution --19. A history of the universe, solar system, and planets --20.Precambrian earth and life history --21. Paleozoic earth history --22. Paleozoic life history --23. Mesozoic earth and life history --24. Cenozoic earth and life history.