Kayyem, Juliette N.

First to arrive: State and local responses to terrorism/ by Juliette N. Kayyem - England: Wellington Graphics, c2003. - viii, 239p

Include index

Chapter 1. The new containment: an alliance against nuclear terrorism --2. Assessing infrastructure vulnerability and security --3. In defense of the law --4. Turning a popular war into populist war: preparing the American public for terrorism --5. Telling it likes it is: the role of the media in terrorism response and recovery --6. Is density dangerous? the architects obligations after the towers fell --7. Beyond business continuity: the role of the private sector in preparedness planning --8. Inside and outside the loop: defining the population at risk in bioterrorism --9. After the attack: the psychological consequences of terrorism --10. Supporting the national strategy for homeland security: the role of the national guard --11. Homeland security and war-fighting: two pillars of national guard responsibility --12. The two-hat syndrome: determining response capabilities and mutual aid limitations --13. Sustaining domestic preparedness: challenges in post-9/11 world.


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