Miguel, Ernesto A.

Compilation on probation and parole systems in the Philippines/ by Ernesto A. Miguel and Levi Mallari Argoso. - First edition - Naga City: Superprint Lithographics (Bicol) Corp., c1998. - 372p.: 20.9 cm.

Includes appendices.

Chapter 1.--Introduction --2.Petition, investigation and grant or denial of probation: Their legal effects --3.Statutory and objectives, coverage and selection criteria for probation --4.The period and conditions of probation --5.Modification, revocation, termination and confidentiality: Issues and problems --6.The parole and probation administration and its linkages with the five pillars of criminal justice system --7.Imposition of penalties: Indeterminate sentence law --8.Parole system: History, objectives and developments --9.Pre-parole and pre-executive clemency investigation --10.Parole supervision.


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