Valix, Conrado T.
Financial accounting (Volume Two) /
by Conrado T. Valix and Jose F. Peralta
- Revised edition
- Manila : GIC Enterprises & Co., Inc., c2007
- 1158p.: ill.; 22.1cm.
- Volume 2 .
Chapter 1. --Property, plant and equipment --2. depreciation and depletion --3. Revaluation and impairment --4. Intangible assets --5. Liabilities --6. Bonds payable --7. Leases --8. Accounting for income tax --9. Note payable and debt restructure --10. Employee benefits --11. Shareholder's equity --12. Retained earnings --13. Book value per share --14. Earnings per share --15. Cash basis and accrual basis --`16. Single entry --17. Error correction --18. Cash flow statement --19. Hyperinflationary economy.
BFil. V238f / 2007