Obligations and contracts: Text and cases/
by Melencio S. Sta. Maria Jr.
- Manila, Philippines.: REX book Store, c2017
- iii, 768p.: 23cm
- c2017
includes Acknowledgement and Contents
Prescription --Chapter 1. General Provisions --Chapter 2. Prescription of ownership and other real rights --Chapter 3. Prescription of actions. --Book IV Obligations and Contracts Title I. --Obligations --Chapter 1. General Provision --Chapter 2. Nature and Effect of Obligations --Chapter 3. Different kinds of Obligations --Chapter 4. Extinguishment of Obligations. Title II. --Contracts --Chapter 1. General Provisions --Chapter 2. Essential Requisites of Contracts --Chapter 3. Forms of Contracts --Chapter 4. Reformation of Instruments --Chapter 5. Interpretation of Contracts --Chapter 6. Rescissible Contracts --Chapter 7. Voidable Contracts -- Chapter 8. Unenforceable Contracts (n) --Chapter 9. Void and Inexistent Contracts. --Title III --Natural Obligations. --Title IV. --Estoppel (n). Title V. --Trusts (n) --Chapter 1. General Provisions --Chapter 2. Express Trusts --Chapter 3. Implied Trusts. Title XVII. --Extra-contractual Obligations --Chapter 1. Quasi-contracts.