Warriner's handbook (Fifth Course): Gramar, usage, mechanics, sentences/
by John E. Warriner
- Teacher's Edition
- Orlando Florida: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, c2008
- T2-575p.: ill.;
- c2008
Chapter 1: Parts of speech overview; identification and function.-- Chapter 2: The parts of a speech; subjects, predicates, complements.-- Chapter 3: The phrase; kinds of phrases and their functions.-- Chapter 4: The clause; independent and subordination clauses.-- Chapter 5: Agreement; subject and verb, pronoun and antecedent.-- Chapter 6: Using pronoun correctly.-- Chapter 7: Clear reference; pronouns and antecedents.-- Chapter 8: Using verbs correctly; principal parts, tense, voice, mood.-- Chapter 9: Using modifiers correctly; forms and uses of adjectives and adverbs; comparison.-- Chapter 10: Placement of modifiers; misplaced and dangling modifiers.-- Chapter 11: A glossary of usage; common usage problems.-- Chapter 12: Capitalization; rules of standard usage.-- Chapter 13: Punctuation; end marks and commas.-- Chapter 14: Punctuation; others marks of punctuation.