Arkin, Marian.

Research Paper: A guide and workbook/ by Marian Arkin - USA: Wes Skiles/Karst Production, Inc. c2006 - iii, 382p,: illustration; 24 cm. - c2006

Include index.

Chapter 1: What is research.-- Chapter 2: Synopsis of a model research paper.-- Chapter 3: Choosing a subject and narrowing to a topic.-- Chapter 4: Finding and retrieving sources.-- Chapter 5: Evaluating and recording information from sources.-- Chapter 6: Organizing and outlining research material.-- Chapter 7: Writing the paper.-- Chapter 8: Documenting your sources using MLA style.-- Chapter 9: Documenting your paper in APA and other documentation styles.-- Chapter 10: Preparing and proofreading the final draft.-- Part two casebook.-- Lizzie Borden.-- The titanic disaster.



BCir. 001.4 / Ar72r 2006