Social studies for elementary school children: Developing young citizens /
by Peter H. Martorella
- U.S.A: Macmillan College Publishing Company, Inc., c1994
- xviii-p.405 ill.;
Includes index.
Chapter 1. Learning and teaching ocial studies --hapter 2.The sourcec of subject matter and intructional resources for the social studies --chapter 3.Alternative scope and sequence patterns in the social studies --chapter 4.Planning for social studies instruction --chapter 5. Engaging students in learning througgh small groups, questions, role playing and simulations --chapter s6. Aiding children in developing and applying concepts, generalizations and hypotheses --chapter7.Aiding students in developing effective citizenship competencies --chapter 8.Aiding students in developing and acting on socila concern --chapter 9.Preparing children to live in a global and culturally diverse world --chapter 10.Comprehending communicating and remembering subject matter --chapetr 11.Harnessing technology to the social studies curriculum --chapter 12.Adapting social studies instruction to individual needs --chapter 13.Evaluating and assessing student learning.