Mendoza, Josielyn M.

Politics and governance: With 1987 Philippine constitution/ by Josielyn Mendoza, Erlinda B. Pulma and Rhene C. Tabajen. - Mandaluyong City: Books Atbp. Publishing Corp., c2013. - xvii, 215p.: 22cm.

include bibliography

Module 1. An introduction to the study of political science --2. The powers of state and the function and forms of government --3. The structure of Philippine national government --4. The concept of good governance --5. Political history of the Philippines --6. The concept of constitution --7. The constitutions of the Philippines --8. Constitutional amendment/revision, preamble and national territory --9. Declaration of principles and state policies --10. Bill of rights --11. Citizenship --12. Suffrage --13. The executive department --14. The legislative department --15. The judicial department --16. The constitutional commissions: CCs --17. The local government


Politics -- Philippines
Political science

BFil. 320.599 / M523p