Situational prevention of organised crimes/
by Karen Bullock, Ronald V. Clarke and Nick Tilley
- USA: The editors and contributors., c2010
- vii-213p.:
Includes Index.
1 Introduction. --2 situational crime prevention and cross-border crime. --3 Preventing organised crime: the case of contraband cigarettes. --4 Sex trafficking: a target for situational crime prevention?. --5 Situational Prevention of organised timber theft and related corruption. --6. Situational organised crime prevention in Amsterdam: the administrative approach. --7. Mortgage fraud and facilitating circumstances. --8 Infiltration of the public construction industry by italian organised crime. --9 situational prevention against unlawful influence from organised crime. --10 Organised crime and crime scripts: prospects for disruption. --11 policing mobile criminality: Towards a situational crime prevention approach to organised crime.