Gabay, Bon Kristofer G.

Economics concept and principle: With aggrarian reform and taxation/ by Bon Kristoffer G. Gabay, Roberto M. Remotin, Jr. , Edgar Allan M. Uy, and Anna Corinna D. Pizarro-Uy - Second ed - Manila City: Rex Book Store, c2013. - xv, 236p.: ill.; 25cm.

includes glossary referrences and Index

Chapter 1. Introduction. -- Chapter 2. The economic system. -- Chapter 3. Element of demand and supply. -- Chapter 4. Concept of elasticity. -- Chapter 5. The consumer behavior. -- Chapter 6. Concept of production. -- Chapter 7. Analysis of cost, profits, and total revenue. -- Chapter 8. Market structure. Chapter 9. Measuring the economy. -- Chapter 10. Consumption and savings. -- Chapter11. Aggregate expenditure model. -- Chapter 12. Business cycle unemployment and inflation. -- Chapter 13. International economics. -- Chapter 14. Monetary and fiscal policy. -- Chapter 15. Agrarian reform. -- Chapter 16. Concept of taxation and income taxation.


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