Francisco, Felicisima M.

Handbook/manual in forensic chemistry/ by Felicisima Manabat Francisco - Revised Edition - Quezon city, Philippines.: Wiseman's book trading, INC., c2018 - i-100p 28cm - c2018

1. the microscope --2. application of microscopic examination on marihuana --3. preliminary test for blood --4. confirmatory test for blood --5. precipitin test --6.grouping of fresh blood and bloodstain --7. collection, packing and preservation of semen and seminal stain --8. semen and seminal stain --9. diphenylamine-paraffin test --10. determination of the probable gunshot range --11. determination of the approximate date of firing --12. secret inks and flourescent powder --13. collection, preservation and packing of hair and textile fiber evidences --14. hair examination --15. fibers --16. collection, packaging and submission of glass evidences --17. glass fractures --18. moulage --19. restoration of tampered serial number --20. arson & arson chemicals --21. examination of explosive residues, dangerous drugs (R.A 9165) --22.guidelines for submission of samples for toxicological examination --23. set-ups for steam distillation and refluxion in the isolation of volatile & non-volatile poson --24. determine the presence of alcohol in blood


Forensic sciences -- Handbooks, manuals, etc

BFil.363.2562 / F847h