Foz, Vicente B.

The labor code of the Philippines: As amended by republic acts nos. 6715, 6725, 7641,7655,7700 and 7730/ by Vicente B. Foz (editor) - 1997 edition - Manila : Philippines Law Gazatte, c1997 - vii, 562p.: 25.5cm.

includes annex, appendix and index

Preliminary title --Book one. Pre-employment --Book two. Human resources development program --Book three. Conditions of employment --Book four. Health, safety, and social welfare benefits --Book five. Labor relations --Omnibus rules implementing the labor code --Book I. Pre-employment --Book II. Human resources development program --Book III. Conditions of employment --Book IV. Health, safety, and social welfare benefits --Book V. Labor relations --Book VI. Post-employment --Book VII. Prescriptions, transitory and final provisions.


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