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On fire / by Kristine Fonacier. by Series: Entrepreneur | Entrepreneur ; Volume 14, number 153 (October 2014)
Material type: Article Article; Format: print ; Type of continuing resource: periodical
Publication details: --California, USA: Summit Publishing Co. Inc., October 2014
Availability: Items available for reference: UM Bansalan College LIC: Not for loan (1)Call number: BPer. 338.0405 En8.

Keeo it personal : Is faster and bigger better? Not always. There's a niche for restaurants that want to stay samll and serve slow. / by Kristine Fonacier. by Series: Entrepreneur | Entrepreneur ; Volume 14, number 151 (August 2014)
Material type: Article Article; Format: print ; Type of continuing resource: periodical
Publication details: --California, USA: Summit Publishing Co. Inc., August 2014
Availability: Items available for reference: UM Bansalan College LIC: Not for loan (1)Call number: BPer 338.0405 En8.
