An assessment of organic farming of farmers of lower dolo bansalan, davao del sur By: Stephanie S. Acosta & Loraine S. Allada
Material type:
- BT/Ac72a/2013
From the 50 respondents, 26.0 percent comprises the highest age range which is between 31-40 and the lowest range is 71-80 which comprises 8.0 percent. When it comes to gender, there is greater number of males than females in which male has a percentage of 76.0 compared to female which has only 24.0. Owner of their farm is 68.0 percent and 32.0 percent is maintainer. With regards to educational attainment, college level obtained the highest percentage equivalent to 30.0 percent and is contrasted by the elementary level which has a percentage of 8.0. In years in farming, both ranges 1-10 and 11-20 obtained the highest percentage of 28.0 while the lowest range is ranges between 51-60 which comprises 4.0 percent.
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