Encyclopedia of accounting systems / by Tom M. Plank and Lois R. Plank
Material type:
- 0-13-276817-8
- Second ed. BRef. 657.03 P693e 1994
Item type | Home library | Call number | Status | Date due | Barcode | |
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UM Bansalan College LIC | BRef. 657.03 P693e 1994 (Browse shelf(Opens below)) | Not for loan | 1658 |
Include index
1. Accounting information systems: concepts, components, selection criteria and products --2. A comprehensive financial reporting system --3. Corporate tax microcomputer systems: concepts, features, and products --4. Credit and accounts receivable information systems --5. Accounting (public) --6. Advertising agencies and public relations firms --7. Airlines --8. Airports --9. Apparel manufacturing and importing --10. Aquaculture --11. Architecture --12. Automobile dealerships --13. Automobile repairs shops --14. Cable television --15. Cement procedures --16. Chemical manufacturing --17. Churches --18. Clubs (social) --19. College and professional sports --20. Colleges and universities --21. Computer software industry --22. Commercial banks --23. Construction contractors (commercial) --24. Continuing care retirement communities --25. Cotton gins --26. Dairy plants (fluids milk and ice cream --27. Electric, gas and water utilities --28. estates and trusts: individual fiduciary --30. Farm accounting --31. Food distribution industry --32. Funeral directing --33. Furniture manufacturing --34. Furniture stores --35. Health associations --36. Hospitals and other health care entities --37. Insurance brokers and agents --38. Insurance companies --39. International accounting (foreign currency operations) --40. Investment clubs --41. Lawyers --42. Logging --43. Lumber and building materials suppliers --44. Lumber (sawmill) manufacturing --45. Mining precious metals 46. Newspaper publishing --47. Not-for-profit or exempt organizations (not united way funded) --48. Oil-and gas -producing (independent) companies --49. Orchard accounting --50. Paint manufacturing --51. Pharmaceutical industry in the 1990s --52. Physicians and health care professionals --53. Plumbing , heating, cooling contractors --54. Premium finance companies --55. Real estate brokers --56. Recycling --57. Restaurants --58. Retail specialty stores --59. Rural fire districts and volunteer fire --60. Rural water associations --61. Saving institutions --62. Scuba diving stores --63. Securities brokers and dealers --64. Sheltered work centers and supported employment programs --65. Sole proprietorship, no employees, desktop publishing --66. State and local government units --67. Travel agencies --68. United ways and member agencies --69. Veterinarians --70. Video rental stores --71. Voluntary health and welfare organizations: not- for-profit public charities.
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