Write a thesis and other research articles for refereed journals and symposia: A brief guide/ by Ofelia K. Bautista
Material type:
- 918-971-8778-88-3
- BFil. 001.4 B32w 2016
Chapter 1: Technical Writing.-- Chapter 2: The Introduction.-- Chapter 3: Materials and Methods.-- Chapter 4: The Result and Discussion: Planning and Presenting.-- Chapter 5: Constructing Tables.-- Chapter 6: Entries, Footnote and Other Information in Tables.-- Chapter 7: Line Graphs.-- Chapter 8: Bar Graphs.-- Chapter 9: Other Graphs.-- Chapter 10: Discussion of Research Results.-- Chapter 11: Title and By-line.-- Chapter 12: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations.-- Chapter 13: Abstract, Keyword and Acknowledgement.-- Chapter 14: Submission of Paper for Publication.-- Chapter 15: Making a Technical Visual Presentation.-- Chapter 16: Presenting a Technical Paper.-- Chapter 17: Making a Technical Poster Paper.-- Chapter 18: Presenting a Poster Paper.
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