Operational amplifiers & linear integrated circuits/ by Robert F. Coughlin and Frederick F. Drisscoll
Material type:
- 0 13 228503 7
- BCir. 621.3815 C831o 1998
Includes bibliography and index
1. Introduction To Op Amp --2. First Experiences With An Op Amp --3. Inverting And Noninverting Amplifiers --4. Comparators And Controls --5. Selected Application of Op Amps --6. Signal Generators --7. Op Amps With Diodes --8. Differential, Instrumentation, And Bridge Amplifiers --9. DC Performance: Bias, Offsets, And Drift --10 Ac performance: Bandwidth, Slew Rate, Noise --11. Active Filters --12. Modulating, Demodulating, And Frequency Changing With The Multiplier --13. Integrated-Circuit Timers --14. Digital-To-Analog And Analog-To-Digital Converters --15. Power Supplies.
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